CloudCone : Cyber Monday SC2 Re-stock alert. Last batch of SC2 deals going out today ⏰
CloudCone : Cyber Monday SC2 Re-stock alert. Last batch of SC2 deals going out today ⏰
We have added more stocks to our SC2 Black Friday deals for Cyber Monday. These servers comes with free backups and snapshots, with blazing fast pure RAID-10 SSD storage.
Missed out on our Black Friday deals? Not to worry. Here's your chance to kick start your dream project. Limited time event. ⏰
Black Friday SC2 3
3 vCPU Cores
4 GB Dedicated RAM
80 GB RAID-10 Drive
Pure SSD Storage
8 TB/Mo Bandwidth at 1 Gb/s
1x IPv4 address
3x IPv6 addresses
Instantly Deployed
Los Angeles, US
Virtualization: KVM
Category: SC2
One-click Apps
Advance Server Metrics
Managed Firewall
FREE Auto-backups
FREE Snapshots